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Training runs

Session 1/steady 4 miles to include 2 x 1 min increased pace, optional/???Session 2/5 x 5 min Kenyan hills/???Foster's run/steady run/Michelle

Club runs

Fosters/steady run/NickHolmes/steady run/SarahCoe/8 long hills jog rec down (Station Rd)/???

Training runs

Session 1/4 mile steady run with fartlek/SarahSession 2/7 x 800m at 5k pace/ClaudineFoster's run/steady run/???

Club runs

Ring road run for all groups

Training runs

Session 1/Session 2/ Parkrun test event 2.Foster's run/ Runners and volunteers needed

Couch to 5k

Our Couch to 5k program starts Tuesday September 5th

Club runs

Fosters/steady run/NickHolmes/steady run/SarahCoe/12 x 1 min fast, medium, slow/??? C25K/As web site/Robert/Jo

Training runs

Session 1/4 mile steady run to include 2 x 1 min fartlek/SarahSession 2/5 x 1k, 5k pace/ClaudineFoster's run/steady run/Michelle C25K/as web site/Nick

Club runs

Fosters/steady run/NickHolmes/steady run/RobertCoe//??? C25K/As web site/Jo

Training runs

Session 1/4 mile steady run to include 2 x 1 min pace/SarahSession 2/14 x 200m/ClaudineFoster's run/steady run/??? C25K/as web site/Michelle

Club runs

Fosters/steady run/NickHolmes/steady run/RobertCoe//??? C25K/As web site/Robert/Jo

Rob’s Moor Run

Wednesday Moor RunHills of the East OkementOkehampton Station (Park on the road or the free cp at the Youth Hostel 60m further up the hill)Meet 1820 run 1830(Up to) 13km/ […]