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Dartmoor Group

Dartmoor GroupHalf term Pub run Morris dancing specialWednesday 29thBelstone Village Green///slang.shun.clingsMeet 1820 run 183011.5k / 360m ascentRunning from the pub out to Oke Tor. On to the South end of East Mill, along the Tor to descend on the North side and to Henry's Ford. Past Culliver Steps, around the stone circle and back to […]

Training runs

Fosters/Farah/steady run/NickHolmes/steady run/SarahSession/ /Claudine

Club runs

Fosters/steady run/NickPavey/steady run/LJHolmes/steady run/RobertRadcliffe/steady run/SarahCoe/ 4 x 1 mile, 2 mins recs, 10 min tempo/???

Training runs

Session 1/steady run/???Session 2/pyramid(mtrs)@5k pace 200/400/600/800/600/400/200 2 mins rec/HannahCoe/pyramid(mins) 30s,1,2,3,4,3,2,1,30s 1 min recs /Claudine

Club runs

Fosters/steady run/NickPavey/steady run/LJHolmes/steady run/RobertRadcliffe/steady run/SarahCoe/ 8 long hills, jog recs, 10 min tempo/???

Dartmoor group

Wednesday 12thFinch Foundry NT cp, SticklepathIf you have a larger vehicle park on the road, the entrance is narrow.Meet 1820 run 1830approx 11k / 400m ascentUp (ouch) and over Cosdon Beacon to the stone circle. Around to the stone row and contour around the hill to descend the path we came up from the village […]

Training runs

Session 1/steady run/SarahSession 2/Kenyan hills 4 x 5 mins 2 mins recs/???Coe/5 x 5mins jog rec /Claudine

Club runs

Fosters/steady run/NickPavey/steady run/EmmaHolmes/steady run/RobertRadcliffe/steady run/???Coe/ 15 x 1 min, 1 min jog recs, 10 min tempo/??? One mile rime trial

Training runs

Session 1/steady run/NickSession 2/8 x long hills @ steady pace/RobertCoe/15 x short hills 2 mins rec /??? One mile rime trial

Club runs

Fosters/steady run/LJPavey/steady run/SarahHolmes/steady run/MattRadcliffe/steady run/EmmaCoe/ 10 x 800m, 1 min recs, 10 min tempo/???

Dartmoor group

Wednesday 26thSandpits cp nr RowtorMeet 1820 run 1830Approx 9km /280mTaking in Rowtor, West Mill, Yes, Willhays and Dinger Tors in under 10km. Should have some fine views.Any questions please ask.Kit to wear or carry:Shoes suitable for trail running across open moorlandWhistle

Training runs

Session 1/steady run/NickSession 2/Indian file @ steady pace/SarahCoe/fartlek/Claudine