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Training runs

Fosters/steady run/NickHolmes/steady run/SarahSession/4 x 6min Kenyan hills with 2 min recs/Claudine

Club runs

Fosters/steady run/NickFarah/steady run/LucyHolmes/steady run/RobertCoe/8 x 800m with 1 min recs + 15 min tempo/???

Dartmoor group

Dartmoor GroupWednesday 3rdMeldon Dam car parkMeet 1820 run 1830About 12k / 300m ascentA bit longer than my recent runs. From the car park head along Granite way to Prewley moor, below Sourton Tors to disused pit, very steep down to foot of Lake combe then big climb to the top of the combe, phew! Round […]

Training runs

Fosters/Farah/steady run/NickHolmes/steady run/HannahSession/Pyramid 30s,1min,2mins,3mins,4mins,3mins,2mins,1min,30s with 1 min recs/Claudine Sunday social run from the Pavilion/Danny

Club runs

Fosters/steady run/NickFarah/steady run/LucyHolmes/steady run/SarahCoe/15 x short hills + 10 min tempo/???

Training runs

Fosters/Farah/steady run/NickHolmes/steady run/SarahSession/4 x 1 mile with 2 min recs/Claudine

Club runs

Fosters/steady run/Jo TFarah/steady run/LucyHolmes/steady run/RobertCoe/16 x 400m with 1 min jog recs + 15 min tempo/???

Dartmoor group

Dartmoor GroupWednesday 17thBelstone Village Green///month.publisher.flashback11km / 350m ascentMeet 1820 run 1830To Oke Tor and on to Steeperton. Return through Tor Marsh.Any questions please ask.Kit to wear or carry:TorchShoes suitable for trail running across open moorlandWarm clothesCoatHatGlovesWhistle

Training runs

Fosters/Farah/steady run/NickHolmes/steady run/SarahSession/Coe trail run/???

Club runs

Fosters/steady run/Jo TFarah/steady run/LucyHolmes/steady run/RobertCoe/6 X 1 mile with 2 min recs/???

Dartmoor Group

Wednesday 24thFinch Foundry NT cpPark on the road if your vehicle is wide, very narrow entrance///ramp.different.cubedMeet 1820 run 18309k / 380m ascentUp to the Beacon on the main path, down the West side and back via Ivy Tor.Any questions please ask.Kit to wear or carry:TorchShoes suitable for trail running across open moorlandWarm clothesCoatHatGlovesWhistle

Training runs

Fosters/Farah/steady run/NickHolmes/steady run/SarahSession/Fartlek/Claudine