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Return of the Lockdown Challenges – Bingo!

With the return of Lockdown came the return of the Okehampton Running Club’s challenges designed to keep the members motivated and enjoy the feeling of still being connected and part of the club while not actually able to run in groups. Last weekend’s challenge was a running form of bingo, where runners were asked to photograph four different signs they came across, four different types of surface they ran on and four scenic pictures from their run. These were to be posted on the club’s Facebook page where everyone could enjoy seeing each others runs. Everyone followed the latest Covid rules, staying local to their homes and only running with one other socially distanced person.

Even those doing a short run managed to achieve a “Full House” bingo card with not much difficulty with tarmac and mud being the most popular surfaces to include. Living in such a beautiful part of the world made for plenty of lovely scenic photos and a couple of nice days meant they weren’t all taken through a mist of rain. Signs were also in plentiful supply even for those who’s runs were largely on the moors since members had to run up there from the town. It is quite surprising how we are surrounded by signs but don’t really notice how many there are until we are asked to photo them.

Over 50 runners took part, some of them having been struggling with a lack of motivation recently and finally finding a purpose to get out and run. There were also several juniors who took part and enjoyed the challenge with a parent. There will be another new challenge set for the weekend of the 30th/31st January with non members and past members welcome to join in.